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Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The GPMHSC adjudicates the content of all mental health continuing professional development (CPD) activities, independently of RACGP CPD and/or ACRRM PDP requirements. This ensures that all education and training for GPs in mental health meets standards set by the GPMHSC.

MH CPD aims to extend GP skills and knowledge in assessing, treating and managing mental illnesses in general practice.

View accredited RACGP courses here.

View accredited ACRRM courses here.

For additional information on the requirements for MH CPD activities, please download the Mental health training standards 2023–25: a guide for general practitioners

Ongoing MH CPD requirements


There is no mandatory requirement to complete ongoing MH CPD however, the GPMHSC encourages GPs to complete MH CPD activities throughout the triennium.

The GPMHSC strongly recommend that GPs complete modules that address areas such as eating disorders, child and adolescent mental health, suicide prevention, family violence, AOD, and other areas that are relevant to the community in which they practice.

Self-recording unaccredited MH CPD courses


If you have participated in an activity you believe extends your skills in mental health and would like it assessed for MH CPD, please email Make sure to attach the following documentation:


The GPMHSC will assess program content and advise whether the activity is eligible for MH CPD.



GPMHSC-Mental-health-training-standards-2023-25_A-guide-for-GPs.pdf How-to-self-record-CPD-Accredited-Activity.pdf