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Postvention interventions

Interventions are both individual (eg psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment) and community based (eg alcohol restriction policies, family outreach programs, gatekeeper training, education programs).48,49

Postvention interventions are intended to:

  • help the bereaved understand why the person suicided
  • support the bereaved through the grief process
  • identify those at risk of suicide, as well as prevent/recognise complicated grief, depressive syndromes and PTSD.25

There is no one-size-fits-all intervention or service that will benefit all suicide-bereaved individuals.46

Although monitoring for complicated grief, depression, PTSD and suicide risk factors is recommended, there is currently little evidence available regarding the effects of interventions after suicide.25,39,50


  1. Schrieber J, Culpepper L. Suicide ideation and behavior in adults. UpToDate, 2016.  [Accessed 17 January 2016].
  2. Wittouck C, Van Autreve S, Portzky G, van Heeringen K. A CBT-based psychoeducational intervention for suicide survivors: A cluster randomized controlled study. Crisis 2014;35(3):193–201.
  3. Jordan J, Feigelman W, McMenamy J, Mitchell A. Research on the needs of survivors. In: Jordan J, McIntosh J, editors. Grief after suicide: Understanding the consequences and caring for the survivors. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  4. Clifford AC, Doran CM, Tsey K. A systematic review of suicide prevention interventions targeting indigenous peoples in Australia, United States, Canada and New Zealand. BMC Public Health 2013;13:463.
  5. Coleman D, Del Quest A. Science from evaluation: Testing hypotheses about differential effects of three youth-focused suicide prevention trainings. Soc Work Public Health 2015;30(2):117–28.
  6. Forte AL, Hill M, Pazder R, Feudtner C. Bereavement care interventions: A systematic review. BMC Palliat Care 2004;3.


After suicide: A resource for GPs